neon duo.
for duos under one roof.

The joint account was one of the most requested features from our community. And rightly so: Because until now, there was no simple and mobile Swiss solution. Branch visits and a jungle of fees are the rule. Is there really no easier, cheaper, and faster way? There is. With neon, you are both fully authorised and equal account partners and can manage your finances transparently and unbureaucratically.
Once again, we are innovating the market and making the neon style offering simple, understandable, and 100% app-based.
For 2: The account for everyone who shares a flat. In love, engaged, married, cohabiting – or just friends
One login, one app: Switch between private and joint accounts with a single swipe.
2 cards, 1 IBAN
An overview of your joint payments and transactions at all times
3 CHF per person per month
Open your account directly in the app – without any paperwork or branch visits
As fully authorised and equal account holders, you manage your finances together. You or me? You can make your shared payments quickly and independently because you don't need the other person's consent.
The joint account allows you to manage your joint finances quickly. This requires trust, as you are both liable for losses. Thanks to simple statistics, you always have an overview of your joint expenses.
Do you share a fridge, sofa, and maybe even a bed? Then the joint account is made for you. If you live in the same household and both have a neon account, you already meet the requirements for a neon joint account.
The joint account costs 3 CHF per person per month. You pay a one-off fee of 10 CHF each for the card. The account fee and the card fee will be charged to your private accounts (free, metal, or green). You will receive two additional free withdrawals per account (1 per card). All other fees remain neon-low-cost.
A joint account is an account to which several people have access. neon duo is for exactly two people. It helps you quickly manage the finances in your household and allows you to easily pay shared expenses such as rent, household costs, electricity bill, or your household insurance.
You both live in the same household and both have your own private neon account (free, metal or green).
Make sure you have the latest app version and open the neon app. Go to «Profile», select «Accounts» and then choose «New: Joint account». Then you confirm your details and can invite your partner with whom you would like to share a joint account. More about the joint account.
New to neon? To open a joint account, you and your partner or roommate each need a private neon account (free, metal, or green). More about the requirements for the joint account.
The joint account costs 3 CHF per person per month. The fees are debited from your private accounts (free, metal, or green) at the beginning of each month – so you always pay in advance for the month in question. The cards cost a one-off fee of 10 CHF each.
Our joint account is a so-called «OR account». This means that you are both equal and full account holders and that you both have full power of disposal over the money in the joint account.
Example: Tom pays the rent quickly and unbureaucratically. This is because he does not need the consent or approval of his flatmate Jerry to make the payment.
With neon duo, there is no need for an approval process as it would be the case with a so-called «AND account» where Tom AND Jerry both have to approve payments.